Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What’s my next step?

The next step is the easy step. Breathe. I have noticed in my life that whenever I am gearing up for change, I become a shallow breather. Breathing is an effortless way for us to reconnect to our core.

Over the next week, I invite you to tape a note near your workspace that says “breathe.” It will offer you a reminder to check in with yourself, to breathe and to encourage you to pay attention to your breathing.

The benefit of increasing the amount of oxygen to our system is immediate. The benefit of connecting to our core by intentionally breathing is priceless. By breathing with intention, you will also be offering yourself the gift of noticing what is happening in your body, perhaps you will notice sensations that you haven’t been aware of before. If so, pay attention. These are powerful sources of data as you plan for your next step.

Join me as we take one deep breath for ourselves…in and out. This week, just breathe.

Warm regards

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace, Now Available

Thursday, November 02, 2006

How do I prepare for change?

Preparing for change involves clearing the path. In the spirit of creating space in your life for having more of your wants and desires met, it’s necessary to begin saying “No” to those events that don’t support or nurture you. This boundary setting exercise can be uncomfortable to you and the people around you who may be accustomed to your consistent willingness to “help out.” However, if we don’t value your time enough to say “No” to those appointments and events that don’t nurture us, how can we ever hope to find time for the things that will introduce more joy and peace into our lives.

What are you going to say "No" to this week to create space for saying "Yes" to you?

Abundance and bliss,

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace, Now Available

How do I start?

I am often asked by my clients, how do I start? This process begins by noticing what inspires you, what offers you joy and what makes your heart sing. Specifically, I suggest making notes of the instances in the week when you feel really great.

In taking notes, reflect on what was happening. What was it about the event or the instance that offered you joy, peace, or inspiration? Too often, we get caught up on what was happening at the moment and forget to focus on how it made us feel. The feelings are a way that your wise self invites you to pay attention.

This week I invite you to notice.

Warm regards

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace, Now Available
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