Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Are you experiencing the scarcity spiral?

Have you experienced the scarcity spiral in your life? As we descend into the scarcity spiral, we are more and more aware of how limited a specific resources is, such as money or time. The focus on scarcity leaves us feeling less and less empowered to address our concerns.

What can you do when you are experiencing the scarcity spiral? Step by step, re-focus your energy on what you have. For example, if time is prompting the feeling of scarcity, begin by focusing on this present moment. Notice how this moment is whole and complete as it is. Perhaps in this moment, you may have a brief experience of tranquility.
At the opposite end of the scarcity spectrum there is abundance. Several tools we can use to shift our perspective include: noticing we are focused on issues of scarcity; challenging the assumptions that are placing us in the scarcity spiral; paying attention to the present moments and identifying actions we can take today to help us shift from scarcity to abundance.

Warm regards

Contributing Expert Author to, Awakening the Workplace, Now Available
Author of Done Deal: Your Guide to Merger and Acquisition Integration

Monday, July 17, 2006

If you are not willing to risk “losing,” you lose yourself

Fritz Kunkl identified four fatal fears; the fear of rejection, the fear of losing, the fear of emotional discomfort, and finally the fear of being wrong. When we are dreaming a new dream for our selves, we have to be willing to approach new activities with a sense of adventure.

If we are consumed with doing it “right” we limit the possibilities for our success. There are many routes to take to achieve your goal. Finding out what doesn’t work can be the first step to finding the best path for you and your dream. When Edison was asked how it felt to have failed 2,000 times to make a light bulb, his response was I haven’t failed. I now know 2,000 ways not to make light. We all know the end result of Edison’s experiments, all you have to do is turn on a light this evening to be reminded of Edison’s dream.Our competency increases with a new activity each time we try something new. Perhaps all we need to do is re-define our definition of “losing, wrong, and failure” and focus instead on the learning outcomes that have come from each attempt. What have we learned about ourselves? What have we learned about our dream? These are the real gifts as we move forward in our lives.

Warm regards

Contributing Expert Author to, Awakening the Workplace, Now Available

Monday, July 10, 2006

When do you give your power away?

What are the sources of power within you and when are you most aware of giving your source of power away? We all have instances in our lives when we are “triggered” and the net result is that we give our power away to others. It can be prompted by an interaction with a difficult colleague, supervisor, family member or acquaintance. When are you aware of giving your power away?

Give yourself the gift of becoming aware of those instances when you are giving your power away by reflecting on the triggers. If you select a few instances when you are aware of being silent, not giving a voice to your wishes, or letting someone else dominate the agenda, ask yourself, what was happening to you internally at the time. What was the message you were giving yourself? The self awareness that you offer through this reflection may help you create space for honoring both you and the other person in your next conversation.

Warm regards

Contributing Expert Author to, Awakening the Workplace, Now Available

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

How do I move beyond either/or choices?

How do I move beyond either/or choices?
Either/or choices and either/or thinking cause us difficulty. They limit our options and leave us feeling like we are turning our back on options that tomorrow may be more appealing.

As you explore choices for yourself, I invite you to consider the spirit of “and.” Replace the phrase that has either/or with the word and. Does a sense of possibility emerge? Do you feel that with a few adjustments, the and between your either/or might be an option? And can be a powerful word. Give some consideration to how you might use it more frequently to create possibility in your life.

Warm regards

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Contributing Expert Author to, Awakening the Workplace, Now Available