Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What strategies can I use to keep me going?

What strategies can I use to keep me going?
Sometimes even with a great plan, we find ourselves stuck and unable to move forward. Our past experiences offer us incredible insights into what “tools” work for us. Examine your past for insights on what strategies you have used to help you be successful.

One strategy that I have found helpful is the metaphor of swiss cheese. Swiss cheese has little holes in it, so like a piece of swiss cheese, I begin to take little “chunks” or steps towards my goal. This process of “chunking” takes the big activity and breaks it down into smaller more manageable chunks. I give myself permission to do one or two little things instead of tackling the big project and before I know it, I’m moving forward again. What “chunk” might you tackle today?

Abundance and bliss,

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to, Awakening the Workplace


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