Friday, November 23, 2007

Maintaining Forward Momentum

Maintaining Forward Momentum
As you move along your journey, there are a variety of ways to maintain your forward momentum. One strategy is to keep an achievement journal that you can record your accomplishments. Second, maintain a fan club of supporters who are interested in what you are doing and are present to cheer you on. Third, develop a list of activities that can be accomplished in less than 30 minutes, less than 2 hours, and less than 4 hours. The next time you accomplish a milestone, choose to take set aside time on your celebration activity list before setting your sights on your next target. A metaphor for me of the importance of this activity comes from car journeys as a child. If the car isn’t getting fuel, the tank becomes empty and the car comes to a halt. By setting aside times for little breaks and celebrations along the way, we maintain our “fuel” and build our momentum for the longer term.

Warm regards

Beth Page

Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Focus on talents and strengths – it’s about bringing your gifts to the world

Focus on talents and strengths – it’s about bringing your gifts to the world

I encourage you to reflect on your special gifts. Find ways of incorporating your gifts into your daily work and life. You are a precious being and the sharing of your gifts and talents is your way of giving back to the world around you. As Martha Graham writes in a letter to Agnes de Mille, because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique and if you block it, it will never exist through any medium and will be lost…the world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable, nor how it compares with other expressions…it is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.” What unique gift of yours could you express more freely?

Warm regards

Beth Page

Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace

Monday, October 15, 2007

How do I invite more joy into my life?

How do I invite more joy into my life?
I take life seriously, too seriously sometimes. Fortunately, I have friends, family and pets who help me laugh and remind me of what’s important in life. I need to remind myself of what’s important in life. Sometimes, it’s about the support I offered someone by listening to their concern. Sometimes, it’s as simple as admiring a beautiful day and the stars at night. Or it could be the joy of scheduling a day off as a special treat. The true secret to experiencing more joy is to choose it. Choosing more joy can be accomplished by focusing on being in the present moment. During the day, ask yourself, am I here, now, living in this moment? If the answer is No, take a deep breath and connect to your breathing and your body. This is a simple tool for bringing yourself into the “now,” and it begins with an awareness of your breath.

Warm regards

Beth Page

Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace

Friday, October 05, 2007

When am I done?

When am I done?
My learning has been that if I want to maintain my motivation I must create many moments of “celebration.” I call these moments mini-milestones on the way to a big milestone. A friend of mine reminds me to celebrate each achievement and accomplishment along the journey, because the journey itself is important. So, as you execute your plan, mark the moments and achievements that will allow you to recognize your progress.

Warm regards,

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Experience the spirit of reciprocity

Experience the spirit of reciprocity
In our lives, as we take steps forward, we experience little surprises. A quest for a website will yield an offer of help from a friend. That person wishes to help us. We give what we can, and to be able to receive what is offered is a gift. Ask yourself, who have I accepted support from recently? Being willing to receive the help is a way of honoring the person who is extending the offer.

Warm regards

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace

Monday, June 18, 2007

Everything that moves has a blind spot

Everything that moves has a blind spot
Often when we are moving forward on a project, we can get really focused on that initiative to the exclusion of everything else. I invite you to consider maintaining an environmental scan as you are going through the shifts and changes in your life. This simply means maintaining a sense of awareness of your immediate surroundings. Being able to respond to changes in the environment around you as you go through change allows you to set yourself up for success and avoid the “blind spot”.

Warm regards

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Share your time to help others

Share your time to help others
The movie “Pay it Forward” has a wonderful message about helping others and asking that they in turn offer assistance to someone else who might benefit from a hand up. Seeking resources for our personal shifts will result in a referral to the contact we are seeking. An exchange of our talents with another person will help us accomplish a project without spending financial resources. I help others, as my way of honoring and thanking the many people who have helped and continue to help me. Occasionally, I get to return the favor directly. Often, I “pay it forward” by helping others, and trusting that the people I help will carry the goodwill to their community.

Warm regards

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace