How do I invite more joy into my life?
I take life seriously, too seriously sometimes. Fortunately, I have friends, family and pets who help me laugh and remind me of what’s important in life. I need to remind myself of what’s important in life. Sometimes, it’s about the support I offered someone by listening to their concern. Sometimes, it’s as simple as admiring a beautiful day and the stars at night. Or it could be the joy of scheduling a day off as a special treat. The true secret to experiencing more joy is to choose it. Choosing more joy can be accomplished by focusing on being in the present moment. During the day, ask yourself, am I here, now, living in this moment? If the answer is No, take a deep breath and connect to your breathing and your body. This is a simple tool for bringing yourself into the “now,” and it begins with an awareness of your breath.
Warm regards
Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace