Monday, June 18, 2007

Everything that moves has a blind spot

Everything that moves has a blind spot
Often when we are moving forward on a project, we can get really focused on that initiative to the exclusion of everything else. I invite you to consider maintaining an environmental scan as you are going through the shifts and changes in your life. This simply means maintaining a sense of awareness of your immediate surroundings. Being able to respond to changes in the environment around you as you go through change allows you to set yourself up for success and avoid the “blind spot”.

Warm regards

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Share your time to help others

Share your time to help others
The movie “Pay it Forward” has a wonderful message about helping others and asking that they in turn offer assistance to someone else who might benefit from a hand up. Seeking resources for our personal shifts will result in a referral to the contact we are seeking. An exchange of our talents with another person will help us accomplish a project without spending financial resources. I help others, as my way of honoring and thanking the many people who have helped and continue to help me. Occasionally, I get to return the favor directly. Often, I “pay it forward” by helping others, and trusting that the people I help will carry the goodwill to their community.

Warm regards

Beth Page
Contributing Expert Author to Awakening the Workplace